Transition from geological potential to the production of mining deposits as a means of strengthening economic growth in the sub-region

The 4th edition of the Cameroon International Mining & Energy Convention and Exhibition, CIMEC 2024, will take place from 22 – 34 May 2024 in Yaounde, Cameroon. CIMEC 2024 will be the 4th edition of one of the largest and longest-running business events in Cameroon, drawing participation from government and corporate leaders to focus on the country’s mining, oil and gas, and energy sectors.

The event will take place in the context of ever-shifting global resource and energy markets following the likely long-term impact of the COVID pandemic and its aftermath as well as the geopolitical crisis stemming from the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

CIMEC 2024 will unite key decision-makers across government and industry and expects to attract over 500 professionals offering quality business connections to the leaders and dealmakers in the mining and energy sectors.

We look forward to welcoming you to Yaounde, Cameroon, on 22 – 24 May 2024.

If you have any problems or questions about the registration, please contact contact@immsevents.com

    Step One

    Please fill the below forms to register for the convention

    Note that your information is saved on our server as you enter it. We respect your data.

    CSS Accordion using checkbox, label and div tags

    Step Two

    Select A Package

    Advantages of This Package

    • Welcome speech at the opening ceremony
    • 2 speaking slots on the first and second day of the event (one per day)
    • Logo and mention of your company as MAIN official sponsor of CIMEC 2024
    • 2 full pages of advertising in the official catalog
    • 20 delegate passes & 25% off any additional delegate bookings
    • 1 additional equipped stand of 18m2 to the exhibition
    • Recognition as the official host of the function you wish to sponsor
    • 2 VIP tables near the host of your choice (possibility of inviting a maximum of 20 other people)
    • Possibility to make a welcome speech at the host function of your choice
    • Letterheaded invitation tickets to invite people on your behalf to CIMEC 2024
    • 4 kakemonos grateful for your sponsorship
    • Possibility of decorating the venue of your function as you wish at CIMEC 2024 (materials to be provided by Sponsor)

    Advantages of This Packages

    • 2 speaking slots on the first and second day of the event (one per day)
    • Logo and mention of your company as an official PLATINUM sponsor of CIMEC 2024
    • 1 full page of advertising in the official catalog
    • 10 delegate passes & 25% off any additional delegate bookings
    • 1 additional equipped stand of 18m2 to the exhibition
    • Recognition as the official host of the function you wish to sponsor
    • Possibility to make a welcome speech at the host function of your choice
    • Letterheaded invitation tickets to invite people on your behalf to CIMEC 2024
    • 4 kakemonos grateful for your sponsorship
    • Possibility of decorating the venue of your function as you wish at CIMEC 2024 (materials to be provided by Sponsor)

    Advantages of This Package

    • An opportunity to speak in one of the conference sessions on day 1
    • Logo and mention of your company as MAIN official sponsor of CIMEC 2024
    • 1 full page of catalog advertising
    • 08 delegate badges & 25% discount on badge additions
    • 1 additional equipped stand of 09m2 to the exhibition
    • 2 scrolling banners recognizing your sponsorship if you chose options b or c
    • VIP table if you chose options b or c

    Advantages of This Package

    • An opportunity to speak in one of the conference sessions on day 1
    • Logo and recognition of your company as an Official Silver Sponsor of CIMEC 2024
    • 1 additional equipped stand of 09m2 to the exhibition
    • 1 full page of catalog advertising
    • 06 delegate badges & 25% discount on badge additions
    • 2 kakemonos recognizing your sponsorship if you chose option c
    • Exclusive Sponsor of the option mentioned above option a and b

    Advantages of This Package

    • An opportunity to speak in one of the conference sessions on day 3 or if you chose the At option session you have chosen to sponsor
    • Logo and recognition of your company as an Official Associated Sponsor of CIMEC 2024
    • 1 half page of advertising in the official catalog.
    • 1 stand equipped with 9m2.
    • 2 delegate badges & 25% discount on additional badge additions
    • Exclusive Sponsor of the available option mentioned above
    • Option D includes 2 kakemonosc

    Payment Channel & Details

    • Bank Name: UBA Cameroon
    • Bank Address: P.O. BOX 2088 Douala 86, Boulevard de la Liberté
    • REFERENCE/Bank CODE: 10033
    • Agency Code: 05219
    • RIB Key: 75
    • Bank Account: 10033 05219 19011000888 75
    • IBAN: CM21 10033 05219 19011000888 75

    I Agree